OCR: Topic 12 Resources
Completion requirements
Learners should have studied the following:
the hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network:
a. wireless access points
b. routers/switches
c. NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)
d. transmission media
Choose from the following to help you learn:
CAMBRIDGE Computer Science:
Page 192 Sections "How do computers connect to a network?" and "Transmission media" which continues onto page 195.
ROBSON & HEATHCOTE Computer Science (9-1):Page 24. Section "Network Hardware" which continues onto Page 25.
Page 85. Section "Connecting Computers to the LAN".
Page 80. Section "Connecting Computers to the LAN".
AXSIED GCSE Computer Science (3rd edition)Page 25 - R13. Network Hardware. Whole Page.
ROUSE & O'BYRNE GCSE(9-1) Computer Science:
Page 35. Section "Network hardware" continues onto Pages 36 & 37.
Page 32. Section "Transmission media"
Page 32. Section "Transmission media"
Web Sites
BBC Bitesize: Page 4 "Wired & Wireless connections", Page 5 "Networking hardware" and Page 6 "Network Interface Cards"
Cambridge MOOC: Section 47 "Hardware needed to connect to a LAN"
Wikipedia: Networking hardware, Wireless Access Point, Network switch, Router and NIC
Simple Wikipedia: Computer network, Wireless Access Point and Network card
Techopedia: Wireless Access Point, Router, Switch and NIC
Cambridge Digital: 47_Activity1
Teach-ICT: THEORY 1 to 10
CraignDave: n/a
ComputerScienceTutor: Watch from 5:39 to 10:34
MrMDKnight: LAN Hardware - Watch from 0:00 to 5:42
Last modified: Tuesday, 22 September 2020, 3:59 PM